Sunday, August 10, 2008

My posse and me

Here is a picture of my crew. I have had comments on how happy all of us look. Let me give you a little back ground on this picture. Rachel, the one in my lap, is NOT happy. Seconds before, she took a tumble backwards from the highest point of the rock on which we are sitting and found out that gravity sucks. Mollie, the second one from the front holding Baby Jamie, is about to pass out due to the odor of the horrific crap in Jamie's diaper. Mollie is NOT happy. The two boys in the back, Luke and Daniel (the smaller one), seconds before, were spanked and chastised (fine, call the CPS) for whipping each other senseless with slender tree branches. They are NOT happy. I am 7 weeks pregnant in this picture and wanting to puke on the children in front of me. I am NOT happy and the children in front of me are about to become even unhappier. The only children who are truly and sincerely happy are the three children behind me, Timothy, Annie and Sam (the bigger one). The moral of this picture is.......never believe what you see.


~*This Mama*~ said...

Thea... I love you. And I love the way you write...

This can only be interesting.


I can't wait for more!

Proudmomof5 said...

Thea - you always put a smile on my face. You have such a unique perspective - I Love it!
