Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This is all there is to it?

I can't believe it. I have actually broke down and started a blog. I have to get over the idea that I am on some literary stage and people are watching me. I love to write but can never find time to journal. What do I even have to say? I mean, I can talk a blue streak all day long and I start a blog and I don't even know what to say? What is WRONG with me.

Well, let's see. I have eight little ones ranging from age 10yrs. to 6 mos. The genders are evenly split. I am married to a wonderful man who is snoring upstairs and leaving me unsupervised. When I have extra time on my hands that's about equivalent to letting a toddler run around with a pair of scissors.

I think I am going to stop for now and try to figure this whole thing out. Bye.

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